Happy Mothers Day.

Sorry for the lack of posting. Once again life has been hectic lots of late nights catching up, sickness with children. Plus the normal day to day running. There is meaning to ‘not enough hours in the day’

It’s been a fun week, Friday morning I spent a few hours at Kindy with my youngest for Mothers Day. It’s funny to watch all these little boys and girls running around and hard to imagine in a blink of an eye they’ll be grown up. This weekend is all about my family, they’ve been feeling neglected for the last few months. So just after lunch we set off, scooters in the back and headed to Shorncliffe Jetty. I love it out there!!

While the two youngest ran off to play Miss 9 decided to let me have a play. Normally it’s hard to get a nice photo as I get the weird faces but today was just beautiful. There will be plenty more to come, it’s late and once again I should be in bed….

Sunday afternoon at Shorncliffe

Last Sunday I met up with P & B for a family shoot. Gorgeous afternoon with beautiful light, lots of people around and we wont mention the yummy smells coming from the BBQ’s. You might remember a little while ago, I had a photoshoot with Georgia as a newborn, well 4 mths on I was back to get proud big sister C and big brother J.