R, J, J, Z and C family – Brisbane Family Photographer

Part III from Fridays shoot. It’s been awhile since I’ve had older boys to photograph. 13 ,10 , 7 (hope I’m right?) are fantastic to photograph. 3 boys + long grass = love!

Little Miss C I do love your smile!

This shot cracks me up. I was getting myself ready for the shot and could see these two hands pop up. Poor Z didn’t know what was happening.

Photo a day – day 30 …. Weekly Massage.

Personal Challenge is coming to the end. I wont go through the normal spiel, as I’m sure your all aware what I’ve been doing for the last month. If you haven’t please feel free to look at my daily blogging in January.

No one misses massages in our house, apart from me *sigh* Our dog loves being with people, he’s never too far from one of us. Or is happily running after or sitting back watching what the kids are doing. Today Miss 6 caught him and sat down for his weekly massage.

Happy Birthday to my little man

Wow it’s hard to believe that 4 years has past, since the birth of now Master 4. What can I say everyday is different and entertaining!! Over the last couple of months Master 4 has changed from the quiet shy child, into a talking, walking confident boy who is just full of life. I bribed him today for photos and of course it had to include the dog. Seriously who ever says never to work with children or animals is on the right track, so they both just went for it.




There are more images coming, so feel free to check back soon. Just currently arguing with computer space, sadly the computer is winning.

I’m slowly winning ….




There is one thing that can’t be tamed is the love that Master 4 has for his dog. Who also turned 1 yesterday.